Offshores, romantic affairs, and allegations: what we know about Alex Weinstein

There are even rumors that a criminal case is being prepared against him in the USA regarding this matter. Who is Alex Weinstein, and what is known about his wife Kristina, his mistresses, connections, and offshore dealings?
Who is Alex Weinstein?
Strangely enough, there is very little reliable information about such a scandalously known character. It’s clear that he actively promotes himself as a successful entrepreneur, but that’s not the same thing at all.
So, in short, Alex, or Alexander Weinstein, is a citizen of the United States of America, but has Moldovan origin. By the way, he has passports from at least three countries: the USA, Moldova, Israel. Yet, in the informational space of Russia, this fellow essentially appeared out of nowhere.

Photo: LETA
About Connections and Offshores
Two years ago, he became quite popular in the media space. This happened due to his collaboration with Ksyusha Sobchak, when she handed over control rights of the well-known casting platform “Allo Talents” from the company Entertech. We are talking about an American company registered in an offshore zone, namely, in Delaware. And even though this firm’s owners are hidden in the registries, it is known that Alex Weinstein is behind the company.
Alexander is an extremely notorious and scandalous persona. He conducts active entrepreneurial activities in Latvia through his Cypriot offshore firm, Dyninno Group Limited. He is also the founder of the Dyninno group of companies, which includes a long list of various firms.

In Russia, he owns a microfinance company “EcoFinance”, which owns the brands “CreditPlus“ and ”EcoFinance”. The statutory capital of LLC MFK “EcoFinance” is currently 750 thousand rubles, and the number of employees is 167 people.

It’s worth noting a rather interesting point here. This company belongs to him not directly, but through offshore entities. In this case, we are talking about the aforementioned Dyninno Group Limited.

It’s clear that Weinstein’s company “EcoFinance” has repeatedly gotten entangled in scandals. For example, this company was involved in a loud scandal with the Central Bank. Let us recall, in 2020, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation prohibited “EcoFinance” from attracting money from individuals in the form of investments.
As we wrote above, Alexander also owns a whole list of companies that are part of the Dyninno group. Most of the companies in this group are registered in the United States and Latvia, in Malta and Cyprus.
Let us remind you that Malta and Cyprus are direct offshore zones. And Latvian companies that have legal entities among their founders, among Weinstein’s partners, also include some Alexander Lavent.

This is a rather unique character who is also the founder of the so-called “Pardaudgava group.”

In addition, it became known that Lavent was previously a KGB agent. He even had the codename “Richter.” This is evidenced by the documentation of the Latvian SSR KGB.

About Connections with the Sobchak Family
According to the media, Kseniya Sobchak also plays a role in this story, as her father once was the boss of the current president himself, and therefore, there are many necessary connections in various structures. Here’s some old footage of Putin and Sobchak vacationing back in the 90s
According to media reports, the much-publicized successful cooperation between Sobchak and Weinstein is just an illusion, not matching reality. In fact, this cooperation did not bring significant profits. The situation is even worse now. For the above-mentioned Allo Talents project, which includes the talent directories AllCasting and KidsCasting, it was a failure. As it turned out, the social media accounts were either deleted or “dead.” This grim statistic was confirmed by the popular service Similarweb.
But there were other consequences from befriending Sobchak. As they say, this also led to a sudden “twist” in the development of the plot…
About the Mistresses
It turned out that it was thanks to Miss Sobchak that Weinstein met the so-called “socialite” Nadya Obolentseva, who became his mistress. Sobchak pompously shared this in her channel.

Interestingly, this “lioness,” Nadya, is also a friend of Irina Tintyakova, the wife of the head of the Accounts Chamber and former Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin. These friends even have their own intellectual “Club 418,” which they founded together. In other words, the connections seem quite notable.
Thinking about it, it now becomes quite obvious why Weinstein received not a full prohibition from the Central Bank of Russia, but rather a very ambiguous prescription that literally states “do not attract money from individuals in the form of investments.” Agree, this phrase can be played in different ways and given completely different semantic loads.
As the media writes, the torrid romance with Nadya was not where Weinstein stopped. Now, another socialite is in his “spotlight.” This time, it is Leyla Latina.

Photo: mafia_7ru
Interesting to see how the relatives of his wife — the Georgiadis family — react to all this madness. But that remains only to be guessed…
About the Wife
And now about Kristina herself. She plays a rather important role in Alex’s life and is far from the last in the shady connections of her husband.

Kristina comes from a wealthy family of Russian Greeks with the surname Kyurdjievi-Georgiadis. In the capital, the family owns a major business in the construction industry.
Three years ago, Weinstein’s wife worked as a psychotherapist in one of the private clinics in Skolkovo.

This information was also posted on the website of Hadassah Clinic. But after a loud scandal related to a fatal traffic accident in which she was involved, and with the sudden “popularity” of her husband in scandalous chronicles, this information was quietly removed from the medical institution’s website.
Here are the police records from that traffic accident…

It is known that Kristina Weinstein managed to “resolve” all the issues and come out unscathed thanks to her wealthy family.
As for Alex himself, he was able to open his Russian microcredit business thanks to his wife and only after the wedding. In other words, as some media put it, he married not the woman herself, but “the money” of Kristina Georgiadis and her family. What will happen next with the gigolo businessman, who is accused of fraud? Criminal charges and/or new romantic affairs?
To be continued…